A 4th Tone Approach to Energy Healing:
Embracing the Golden Moments of Healing
There are a myriad of energy healing techniques available today, each of them effective and valuable in their own right. The 4th Tone™ Approach to Energy Healing is simply a blending and extension of known healing modalities such as Polarity Therapy, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Shamanic Practices, QiGong and Reconnective Healing.
Michelle first studied Energy Healing Practices in the late 1980’s, beginning with Polarity Therapy and Reiki. She received her Polarity certification and Reiki Master status early on in her career. In the early 2000’s Michelle added studies in Medical QiGong with Master Li, Akashic Field Clearing and Reconnective Healing with Eric Pearl. She has also studied Traditional, Native American Medicine ways with several different tribal elders and in 2004 and 2010 spent lengthy periods working with Brazilian and Peruvian shamans.
Insight garnered through the Core Alignment and 4th Tone teachings embraces a new mindset around the expression of Energy Healing. Similar to the directionality of the hands-on Core Alignment work, 4th Tone Energy Healing Sessions engage a Universal approach, blending and embodying the essence of other practices while simultaneously negating any potential limitations that may arise when we are attached to procedures and outcomes.
To consciously enter into the field of energy healing devoid of the expectations of outcome or intentions of ‘doing’, opens us up to new levels of possibility and fuller expressions of healing energy. Encouraging us to step from behind the veil into the light where the highest connection to our Source of wellness resides.
4th Tone™ Energy Healing Sessions are a Present in the Present Moment invitation for Practitioner and Client to stand in the Golden Moment of healing potential, open to whatever form of healing energy that flow may bring.
As a 4th Tone Practitioner it is my job to hold the space in a state of grace, to stand in a personally open place of prayerful possibility, and to ‘listen’ both within myself and to the needs of my client through the blended awareness of head-heart-center and soul.
4th Tone Energy Sessions may include but are not limited to hands-on moments (similar to Reiki or Polarity sessions); off the body connections to the field of energy (similar to Reconnective Healing, Shamanic visioning or Quantum Healing practices); focused breath work; and internally guided intentional affirmation processes. Sessions are generally 50-90 minutes in length; follow-up spiritual direction, health and wellness counseling are available; and both in-person and distance sessions are available.
For current rates and availability, please contact Michelle.