Inside-Out Creativity

Self-Observational Journaling & The Freedom of The Found Poem Experience

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An experiential workshop designed for the Inside-Out Artist, expressed through the spoken and written word.  We’ll spend our day exploring ways to bring our innermost thoughts and visions of the soul closer to the surface through writing, visual exploration, guided meditation and self-reflection.

Embracing the phenomenal journals of May Sarton, the woodland observations of Thoreau and Muir, moments by the ocean with Rachel Carson and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and the deep inner stirrings of Thomas Merton, Thich Nhat Hanh and Thomas Keating we’ll begin to explore our individual ways of viewing life from a place of Inside-Out empowerment, releasing past notions of imbalance and outdated misconceptions.

The Inside-Out Creativity Day is an opportunity for your head, heart and gut knowing to let go of old attachments; uncover new ideas and quiet insights; and listen deeply to see the wisdom between the words, the light beyond the shadows, and the stillness that exists within the façade of chaos.

Offered in 1-day and 4-evening formats, the Inside-Out Creativity workshop is designed for the Artist in us all.

For current programs or further information, please contact Michelle.

Perhaps a true Golden Moment, perhaps just one of millions of smaller, equally sacred gifts of spirit designed to bring me closer to the essence of who I am journeying to become.
— Michelle A. Morin, from Blending Energy, Embracing Life