Have you taken workshops & read self-help books only to return to old habits and patterns shortly after the work is done?
Are your daily actions connected and congruent to how you perceive yourself to be, on the inside?
Are you ready to take the necessary steps & let go of what no longer serves you in order to embrace a new reality?
It’s time for you to step up & into to your life in a more empowered way!!
“The difference between your work (Core Alignment) and the work of others who help people discern patterns in their lives is the 4th Tone Principle itself... what you’re talking about is a way of be-ing in this world.”
The Pillar of Authenticity: Awakening & Empowering the ‘Real Me’
Intention: To uncover our individual keystone moments and see between the lines, into the essence of our life’s unfoldment.
Practice: A guided discernment process toward awakening and embodying the One True Point of Focus for your life, your Calling.
The 4th Tone Experience: Integrating Head, Heart & Center for an Extraordinary Life
Intention: To provide a strong working knowledge and personal connection to the interconnections of thought, passion, gut-intuitive knowing in the coming together of blended insight and the embodiment of personal truth.
Practice: Independent and group experiential exercises; personal introspection and mindset exploration.
Powerful Practices: The 5 C’s Principle for Personal & Professional Sustainability
Intention: To assist participants in discerning between default patterns and consciously chosen principles and practices.
Practice: Individual and/or group dynamic explorations of Clarity, Courage, Commitment, Consciousness and Congruence as reflected in life and work via preconceived perceptions and expectations of outcome; shifting toward more internally-aligned insight & empowerment.
Blending Energy, Embracing Life: A Combined Workshop (Core Alignment & The 4th Tone Approach)
Intention: An in-depth study and application of these two dynamically connected principles for life, work, relationship balance.
Practice: Experiential applications for learning, integrating and implementing the Core Alignment and 4th Tone Principles into individual lives, practices and/or group dynamics.
Mastery & The Warrior Spirit: Moving Beyond Fight, Flee & Freeze into the Flow of Ease
Intention: For Individuals -To empower understanding of innate strength, embodied wisdom, and conscious choice in everyday life and decision making processes.
For Groups - To assist in creating empowered individual and balanced group dynamics, embodying the essence of each participant as well as the blended energy of the group.
Practice: A highly interactive, experiential program exploring the fundamentals of both Mastery and Warrior Spirit mindsets.
A 4th Tone Perspective of The 4 Agreements
Intention: To explore the Universal applicability of The 4th Tone Approach thru the utilization and expansion of The 4 Agreements and other commonly understood practices.
Practice: A personal experience journey embracing and implementing the Core principles of The 4th Tone Approach and the C’s Process via the familiar lens of The Agreements.
The Essence Beneath the Expectation: The Power of the In-Between or Liminal Space (Levels I, II, III)
Intention: To explore the Source of The Core Alignment & 4th Tone work — the Truth between the words — the biggest challenges, gifts and graces.
Practice: A down-to-the-marrow exploration of The 4th Tone Approach; a detailed journey via personal reflection, 1:1 and small group interaction of the intricacies of self-awareness and personal responsibility; exercises for getting to the Truth of the Truth.
Adjusting the Sails of Presentation: A Core Alignment Breath & Vocal Experience
Intention: To use the body-mind-sprit-soul connection to explore the relationships between breath, voice and movement.
Practice: A challengingly-fun journey of moving thru, connecting with and empowering the breath, voice and presence of be-ing using practices from Aikido, Body-Mind Centering & Core Alignment.
Inside-Out Creativity: The Self-Observational Journal & the Freedom of the Found Poem Experience
Intention: To send soft-whispers to the heart via the spoken, written and visual arts.
Practice: A blending of introspective journal writing, free-form art, and the found poem experience from an inside-out perspective.