Adjusting the Sails of Presentation:
A Core Alignment Breath & Vocal Experience
A powerful, fun, highly experiential workshop combining the breath and centering movements of Aikido; various breathing, movement and physical insights of Body-Mind℠ Centering; and the connections to the Core sense and 4th Tone blended energy.
When these forces come together as a supportive mechanism for a grounded sense of self, clear intention, and the empowered physical attributes of expression, the ways you think and feel about yourself and how you present yourself to the world dramatically shift.
“Through the process of blending thought, passion and knowing with all of the quips and queries, fumbles and foibles attached to the expression of our humanness, we see the messages within the mud, the calm within the chaos, and the blessings residing in the beauty.”
Adjusting the Sails of Presentation is a workshop designed for anyone interested in re-defining their ability to speak or present in their chosen profession or day-to-day life. The workshop is invaluable for developing individually-aligned tools of projecting ideas clearly and concisely; giving voice to the flood of information bubbling to the surface and seeking a creative outlet; and creating greater levels of consistency in our presentation skills whether working 1:1 with people or striving to be an empowered voice among the many.
Adjusting the Sails of Presentation is an active engagement with the strength and knowing innately inside of you, and a supported journey to bring the genuine aspects of that voice forward.
The Presentation workshop is offered in weekend, week-long and 6-segment options (weekly or bi-weekly).
For information on upcoming programs, please contact Michelle.